Religion and culture are often difficult to separate [Courtesy, Freepik]

Will your spiritual beliefs affect your relationship?

Different religions also have varying points of view when it comes to spiritual life. In Christianity, the general belief is that after this life, you either go to heaven or hell and that is drastically different from other beliefs.

Those spiritual beliefs can affect your relationship because based on what you believe, the other person is either on the safe side or on the opposing team. This can complicate your relationship further if you have strong spiritual beliefs.

Will family approval be a challenge?

When we start planning a future with someone, we know that family will be part of the picture. We usually hope that there will be a healthy relationship on both sides, but as we know, it doesn't always happen.

Religion is often a major reason why family members reject someone. You might even risk being ostracized if you choose to stay together.

If this is a big deal to you, then religion might not be something you can easily compromise on.