When you are pregnant he is too. Pregnancy can be an emotionally colourful journey with a lot of emotions all rolled into it; the most sublime highs and some rather gripping tensions. For you both, you are living the normal issues of life, working, saving, checking in on friends and so on. You are both in the same old grind; life, sometimes living together and at other times, not.


If you find that the dad-to-be is displaying a shift in moods, emotions and feelings, let’s consider that which might be going through his mind. For the most part, the ideal picture is that you’re both on board and committed to a future together, have great plans for your family and want and look forward to being good parents, and to succeeding at being parents. Additionally, in this picture, there are often adequate preparations for the upcoming life as a family.


In a situation like this, a shift towards a psychological withdrawal by the guy might mean many things but it does not seem that likely if he has already expressed the interest to be a father and wants to be engaged in the child’s life. This is especially so to a man to whom you are married or to your baby daddy!


When the guy gets distant, or withdrawn and somehow uncommunicative it can also be in its simplest that he is anxious and insecure about himself, and impending fatherhood. You might want to reassure him and ease his tensions about these concerns. That he is a good person, an upstanding man he will be a good father and so on. Meaning that he will most likely respond to reassurance, validation and emotional support. You know your man, you figure it out based on your own unique way of relating to each other.


However, to scale it up a notch, another reason why your man may be withdrawn and not as responsive to the reassurances, might be because of the nature of your relationship. It’s different if you are expecting with your husband, husband to be , partner, or even baby daddy. The more binding the relationship, the less likely that there is space for the anxious withdrawn behaviour; after all, the prospect of planning to have a family and build a life together is more likely to be tied to marriage and if not that to a lasting and significant commitment.


When you are somewhat partners or have no way of being bound, then it’s different. In theory no one is tying you two together and the guy can just as easily up and leave. This lack of “ties that bind” can raise doubts in your man’s minds that eventually lead to him to use that reason to justify his leaving. On the positive side, it could also lead to a higher relationship status.


To scale it up even further, he might be concerned about the life changes and adjustments that come with having a baby, and he may know that he might lack certain support without which having a child demands. Again, not all men in this position are going to be like this. It is simply intended to help guide what might be causing your man his preoccupations.


The guy is expected to have it together enough to be there for his lady as she goes through the pregnancy, emotionally, financially, right on through when she can return to her routine life. Alternatively, he should be resourceful enough to know how to draw in the supports to make up for what he might not have. Such that he would know he can count on friends, family for help on various levels.


Sometimes, ladies, in order to be of help to your man, you may have to have your own resources in place, from friends and family, because, after all, he is only human and you might have to be, God forbid, a lone parent. A guy needs, in order to weather the stormier side of pregnancy, feel in control to be comfortable with pregnancy and its implications.