Teach them how to pick good things even in the worst of situations (Shutterstock)

Unlike adults who may be able to find ways to cope with their depression and anxiety, teenagers may not know what to do. This is where parents come in.

A serious condition that may interfere with their daily life and even lead to behavioral change, depression is a feeling of sadness and despair that lasts for weeks or months on end.

You will notice an effect on their mood, loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating, withdrawal, irritability and insomnia, to name a few.

When everything around them and in their life is seen in a negative life, they may begin to think of themselves as ugly, stupid or bad. And if they don’t get the necessary help, then they may start self-mutilating, self-withdrawal, or go for the extremes like thinking of suicide.

Before it is too late and your child becomes another statistic, here are some ways you can prevent help them when going through a trying moment.

i.Encourage them

Let them know that there is always another way, another solution to their problems. It may not look like it, but help them understand and have a better outlook of things.

Let them know that no matter what problem they may encounter, they should always remember that bad days don’t last forever.

Also, assure them that you are there for them if they ever need to talk or confide in someone.

ii.Model emotional skills

We all have to deal with changing social and emotional situations; whether it is a bad medical report, a broken relationship, work place stress, you name it. We all go through challenging times at some point in our lives.

Let teenager know some of the challenges they are likely to experience in life such as loss and talk to them about how they can deal with these challenges.

You should set the right example by staying on top of your emotions and handling your challenges the right way. By setting a good example you help them learn how to cope with different circumstances.

 Let them know that there is always another way, another solution to their problems (Shutterstock)

iii.Focus on the positive

Life is not all gloom and doom. No matter what may be going on around them, you need to help them see the silver lining in every cloud.

Teach them how to pick good things even in the worst of situations. Remind them that there is always a lesson to learn from any situations.

iv.Be approachable

Teenagers can be the most complex beings and if they ever talk to you about their problems, count it a blessing.

For futures sake, let them know they can always talk to you no matter how sensitive the subject may be.

By opening lines of communication, they will feel safe enough to confide in you whenever life deals them with those low moments.

v.Encourage overall health

Be aware of what your teenager is eating, watching and how they are socializing.

Although you may not control every aspect of their life, you can set a good example and model a healthy lifestyle. From eating a clean diet, spending less time on your phone, working out, to sleeping in good time, encourage them to do so as well.

Create a space where they can join you as you exercise and have your kitchen well stocked with healthy foods.