Great! We hear you want to have condoms because you think sex is all that. I applaud you for thinking of safe sex, which goes to show that you at least know that unsafe sex is not good for you.

Here are a few things you need to know

Yes your body might tell you that you are old enough to have sex, but the law does not. Our law, crafted my well meaning people believes that you should only have start having sex once you are old enough to vote or drink. Therefore, as you run around buying condoms and trying out your sexuality, realise that you could easily end up in jail if you are caught. So if you are ready to face the courts and jails, by all means go for it. You need more than condoms to have sex. Basic ingredients that you might need include a location to have the same. You might also need to ‘bribe’ your partner to be with some food and drink or airtime. Please bear in mind that public places, which are free, also pose the risk of arrest since once again sex in public is illegal in this country. So once again, think carefully before your libido ruins your wallet or turns you into a fugitive. I am yet to understand why but sex leads to strange attachments and reputational hazards. For the girls, the more you give it up the more you acquire the ‘ tart’ label. For men, though you might be called a stud you may have to deal with the drama that comes with breaking women’s hearts. All factors constant, if you live your full life you will have lots of sex. Like all things you get to have more variety and spice in your sex life if you have more money- sex and money go well together. Instead of focusing on sex for now, spend some of that energy trying to turn yourself into a money machine. Once you are over 18 and loaded, sex – lots and lots of it will follow.

parenting;sex eduacation