Photo: Courtesy

There is this lady I am interested in, but I don’t know how to approach her. She is 27 and I am 22. I don’t know if she will freak out if I ask her out on a date. I have never dated an older woman and would like to know how to approach her. Victor.

Dear Victor,

Approaching an older woman can be a bit intimidating but it is really no different from approaching any other woman.

Don’t feel uneasy about the fact that she has more experience than you.

The trick is in how you present yourself. Exude confidence when approaching her and don’t act like the age difference is a big deal.

Show her your best side. You may feel tempted to pretend to be something you are not to impress her, but you will be better off just being yourself.

Older women know what they want and don’t have the time to play games. The dating rules you followed when you were chasing teenage girls don’t apply when dating an older woman.

Call when you say you will call. Don’t wait a week to call her so you can seem cool. Even if the woman is more established in her career than you, always strive to be the gentleman.

Pay for dinner and buy her gifts just like in any other relationship.

Older women have a lot going on in their lives, so don’t act clingy and want to hang out with her every second of every day. Give her the space she needs.