Readymade food, and often fast food, will always attract customers.
In a past interview, economist XN Iraki, an associate professor at the University of Nairobi, explained that as long as people are eating, the food business will be a tenable venture.
While they suffered at the height of the pandemic, food outlets have come back with full force in the busiest of places, especially in the heart of Nairobi's central business district (CBD). As long as the food is affordable and you can keep growing profit margins with constantly increasing volumes, this is one business that is unlikely to land an entrepreneur into losses.
BICYCLE HIRINGAs the debate rages on regarding the suitability of our roads for cycling, many are taking up their bicycles and jumping on a growing bandwagon of cycling enthusiasts and activists.
Cries abound about the mistreatment of cyclists by motorists on roads that lack cycling lanes. Non-motorised transport might not take root with the speed enthusiasts would like but gradual steps are being done.
Every so often, there are groups of cyclists coming up with new challenges in their sights. Creating an outlet for bicycle hiring might be a great way to make money in the year.
HOME IMPROVEMENT2021 was one of the busiest years in real estate. Downsizing, rightsizing, building their own houses and even relocating to the countryside for some meant that the housing sector recorded a lot of activity in the year.
Professionals will be put to task to constantly better the houses new occupants might feel need a retouch here and there.
Interior designers, plumbers and even landscaping experts will have a lot of business in the year if they are competent enough. While some of the skills require professional training, others can be learnt through apprenticeship.
CONTENT CREATIONMany social media platforms are nowadays paying top creators, those who bring top engagement on their pages and thus attract traffic to the platforms.
On top of that, companies also want to use these influencers to promote themselves and their products. There has been a mushrooming of creators in the past two years, with some soon garnering hundreds of thousands of followers.
They are able to make good returns as long as they are consistent, and soon content creation becomes a full-time job for many who started such ventures as hobbies.
TRAVEL SERVICES AND CAR HIREIf you can be known to be trusted with reserving hotels for clients and offering them comfortable and safe transport solutions to such places, then soon many companies, or parties wishing to visit particular areas, will prefer to use your services than themselves go through the rigours of booking and driving.
You can also suggest destinations and could do with a blog that explains the offerings in such. As a separate business, the car hire business could be very profitable.
For people intending to make private trips, they will prefer to hire a sizable vehicle and drive themselves to their destinations. Especially around festive seasons when there is a lot of travelling, car hire services are a very profitable business.
AGRIBUSINESSIt has not always brought the best fortunes for those who try, but with best practices and the use of professional services, this could be one very profitable venture.
Most supermarkets are now stocking more fresh products than ever before, and the demand for fresh farm produce, especially organic, is on the rise. With the right choice of crop and location, agribusiness could be one of the most profitable ventures not only in 2023 but the future.