Young lady cleaning the house[Freepik]

How much of the product should one use to see results?

With our products, not much. This is because unlike most conventional products we do not add fillers just to increase volume. Fillers are added to keep the customer coming back. For example, our 2kg laundry wash will do 66 loads of laundry, compared to any 2kg conventional laundry wash which will get you 12 washes at the most. Also, did you know that most conventional cleaning products add extra foaming agents that do not necessarily help in cleaning? They do this because, in Africa, we believe that if it does not foam, it is not cleaning. If you do not believe me, check out all the cleaning ads; their marketing point is the foam.

What do you think is the hardest part of cleaning when hosting?

Lack of preparation. If you prepare well by pre-cutting your ingredients beforehand, you will be setting yourself up for success by having fewer utensils to clean when cooking. As a rule, I never let dishes pile up until the sink is full. Once the sink is full, it is impossible to clean anything.

How sustainable is the 'clean as you go' philosophy when hosting?

You do not want to be stuck in the kitchen when hosting. That is where pre-soaking dirty dishes comes to play. That way, whenever you can steal five minutes or so away from your guests, you lessen the dish load. I have a Beef Pho recipe which uses quite a number of utensils.

Which is the best way to clean utensils? Running water or in basins?

I prefer using basins, for the ease of presoaking and because I can use the resulting water from the dishes to water my kitchen garden. That is how biodegradable and safe for the environment our products are.