Nails are one of the fastest spreaders of the coronavirus (Shutterstock)

The virus causing COVID-19 can survive in your fingernails meaning you could be spreading the coronavirus through you nails.

While a majority of people are prioritizing washing their hands, they are not putting enough focus on the importance of keeping short nails.

An Australian nurse took it upon herself to remind the world that long nails are one of the fastest spreaders of the coronavirus.

“Bacteria, viruses, dirt and debris can collect under the nails and can then be transferred to your mouth if you bite your nails.

“Every time you touch your face especially your mouth, nose and eyes, you’re transferring all of those germs. And you can get sick.”

Her noble advice went viral after a Facebook user shared a warning she was given by the medic about keeping nails short.

"Among all the hand-washing instructions and the fun 20-second song suggestions, I haven't seen anyone note that it is impossible to wash your hands properly if your fingernails are long." The post shared by the woman reads in part.

 If you have a tendency of putting your fingers in the mouth when shocked or thinking, you have to stop (Shutterstock)

The woman added that there is an easy way of knowing if your fingernails are indeed short enough:

"If you can't put your fingernails straight down against your other palm without your nails adding too much distance to do it, you cannot wash under your fingernails properly unless you use a nail brush every time."

She went ahead and warned that hard sanitizers do not clean under the nails and that since “if you can't rub the very ends of your fingers against the other palm, then your hands aren't truly clean after you wash them, no matter how long you soap up.”

“The infectious disease specialist added that germs going into the mouth is the easiest way you can contract any infection.” 

The woman pointed out that “the infectious disease specialist added that germs going into the mouth is the easiest way you can contract any infection.” 

“Please, during this global emergency, keep your nails short,” she concluded.

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