‘Cleanliness is second to godliness’ (Shutterstock)

Ever heard of the cliché statement, ‘cleanliness is second to godliness?’

During the puberty-transition camps we attended as teens, the facilitators kept repeating those words. It may be because, at the time, as teens we needed a lot of information on cleanliness. With all the new body changes like growing hair from a number of places and our menses beginning, being clean was emphasized. Some of the notes we carried home, and are still vital up to date, involved these steps

Washing hands when you get home

During the day, you meet and greet many people, or touch vehicles and things from common public places that others have had contact with. Due to this, as the day ends, you have accumulated so many germs and you have to clean your hands to prevent yourself from possible infections. Ensure you use soap so as to get rid of dirt easily.

Handwashing before meals

Washing your hands before meals is not only a show of good etiquette but also a great way of preventing infections. You should ensure your hands are clean before using them to eat. If you have no access to running water, as is in some restaurants, use hand sanitizers, hand wipes or hot towel- presses.

Blowing nose with handkerchief

Have you ever met those irritating people who blow their nose with their bare hands or sneeze without covering their mouths? These people have no ounce of concern about general health and taking the necessary preventive measures. As a rule of the thumb, do not leave the house without a handkerchief. Use it and clean it on a daily basis. You can opt for disposable paper tissues.

 If you have no access to running water, use hand sanitizers (Shutterstock)

Make hand sanitizer and wipes your friend

The use of antiseptic or antibacterial soaps, wipes and hand sanitizers goes a long way in ensuring you are clean at all times. Pop them in your handbag and make it a habit to carry them with you wherever you go. In many cases, you may need to use them when you least expected.

Bathing daily

Do you want refreshing skin, good odour and added confidence on a daily basis? Clean up daily. Creating a routine where you bathe on a daily basis ensures that you do not accumulate dirt and sweat that could bring you harm such as infections. It is also a habit that will curb the smell from your sweat and keep you clean when Aunty Flow visits during that time of the month.

Change your beddings often

Many at times people fail to pay attention to this. As you sleep, sweat and other body fluids make your bed sheets dirty. Change your bedsheets as often as you can. The recommended span is every day or every two days.

Brush your teeth

Your dental hygiene is such an integral part of your cleanliness. It determines your outlook and your mouth odour. Invest in a good toothbrush and, toothpaste, then proceed to brush your teeth twice daily. Your lack of cavities over time will be something to pat yourself on the back for.

Washing your hands after visiting the washrooms

After visiting the washrooms, changing a diaper or changing our sanitary product, move to a tap with running water and clean your hands. This way, you keep infections and diseases like cholera spread are kept at bay.

Get into the rhythm of maintaining a clean lifestyle, and make yourself a healthier version of yourself.

Personal Hygiene;Cleanliness;Coronavirus