Showing off your arms comes at a cost. There is no way in hell you can flex your arms around with bushy hairs sticking out or worse still, struggle hair scattered all over your arm pit. It is quite a sore sight to say the least.

For this reason, we find ourselves shaving, waxing and in extreme cases, laser hair removal seems to be the best option. But what they don’t tell you is, hair still grows back. This factored with sweating, questionable hygiene and use of harsh products such as deodorants, leads to the development of tiny pimples which at times can be very itchy and painful if not well taken care of.

Having armpit rashes can be very annoying to deal with but they are not impossible to combat. Here’s what you need to know about them.


Armpit rashes are not usually caused by one thing. There are a number of reasons why they occur so it is important to identify the root cause which will determine the right kind of treatment.

Irritation from contact

These types of rashes occur as a result of reactive contact. You might have used a deodorant or antiperspirant for a long time and you start to notice that the skin on your armpit is starting to get irritated. Another type of contact rash can also occur from friction. If you are used to wearing tight shirts and tops made of synthetic materials, chances are that your armpits will react by darkening and forming rashes at one point.

Environmental causes

Heat rash is one of the most common types of rashes that affect the armpits. The combination of heat and sweat breeds an environment for rashes to form.


Bacterial rashes

These types of rashes thrive as a result of bacterial overgrowth. Certain types of bacteria thrive in damp environments thus causing rashes to form on the layers of the skin and in the folds as well.

Fungal rashes

Similar to bacterial rashes, there are also types of fungal rashes that cause irritation of the armpits. Some fungi like the ringworms and candida cause the skin on the armpits to become red and irritated.

Underlying conditions

At times, the formation of rashes on the armpits can be as a result of conditions like diabetes, eczema, cancer and some hormonal changes.

Also, when your body is under a lot of stress, rashes can start appearing on the armpits. These are some of the underlying conditions that can cause these types of rashes and for this reason, it may be a good idea to visit a skin expert especially if they keep recurring.


Over the counter medications

This is usually one of the most effective ways of dealing with them. Pharmacies offer a wide range of topical creams and ointments that treat these type of rashes.

Proper hygiene

There is a reason why good hygiene is always promoted. When you are strict with your hygiene, you are able to prevent common problems like armpit rashes. Ensure that you always dry up your armpits well so that there is no breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

Using the right deodorant

If you notice that certain deodorants cause your skin to darken and form rashes, ditch them and opt for other more natural antiperspirants. Some companies add harsh chemicals to their products so it’s best to avoid certain products completely. If you can, use the scent free range of products for sensitive skin.

Home remedies

You can also use some home remedies to ease some of the uncomfortable symptoms especially when it comes to heat rash. Experts advise the use of ice compresses to help cool down the area, reduce inflammation and ease the pain.

Reduce stress

Find ways that help you to calm down and ease your stress levels. No matter how ridiculous and unrelated you may think it is, most if not all diseases and infections are stress related. Therefore if you have to take a step back to chill, do so.

If you could travel back in time, who would you want to meet?

Armpit Rashes;Personal Hygiene;Girl Talk