Have you ever walked into a bright cheery room and instantly felt happy? That is because of the feeling it evokes perhaps due to the décor, color or something simply like photos that bring back beautiful memories.

Studies have shown that the right design elements have the ability to bring out positive or negative responses in people.  According to a survey published in A Journal of the Association for Psychological Science, the results revealed that certain rooms can produce very tangible emotions.

Hence the importance of how a room you spend most of your times in be at your bedroom, sitting room or kitchen, it should be well decorated. This can make one have feelings of gloominess or anxiety while others can boost creativity or bring about relaxation and tranquil.

Here are very simple solutions that will turn your house into a house lifter in no time.

Remove clutter

A clean house has a more calming effect and the happier you are to see how organized and nice it looks after removing any clutter. If it means spending an hour or even a full day dedicated to getting rid of clutter do so. A research done by Princeton University showed that clutter lessens your ability to focus as well as your ability to process information. Another study by UCLA’s Center on Everyday Lives and Families found a link between a high level of cortisol, a stress hormone, and those who own a lot of household objects. 

Add greenery

Numerous studies have been carried out to show how live plants can transform one’s mood, concentration and even memory retention just at the sight of them. This is because the presence of natural elements is known to lower stress. One of the ways they do so is by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide which freshens the air and eliminates harmful toxins such as formaldehyde which is found in vinyl, benzene and trichloroethylene which are both found in solvents and paints as well as man-made fibers.


This is one of the easiest and cheapest way to give your home a new face lift. Colors can have a dramatic impact on mood like for example warm colors are known to evoke feelings of optimism or happiness. Each color has its effect so pick wisely. Orange for instance has a refreshing, positive and stimulating, encouraging creativity making it ideal to use in a space meant for entertainment.


For a long time it has been known that light is a well-known mood modulator. For instance lots of sunshine using candles, etc. can improve the mood of a room. The right and proper light can add warmth and personality to any space.

Personal elements

No room is complete without some cherished memories of loved ones, places you have visited and milestone moments in your life on display. Have them tastefully framed complementing the décor. Walking into that room will always bring back happy memories and instantly give you a good mood.



Mood;housekeeping;girl talk