Pancakes layered with strawberries and banana: Photo; Courtesy

Easy Tasty Pancakes.


• 1/2 cup of flour

• 1 egg

• 1 tsp of cinnamon

• 1-2 tsps. of vanilla essence

• 2 tbsps. of sugar

• 1 cup of milk


1. Mix the dry ingredients first i.e. flour, cinnamon and sugar in a bowl then proceed to mix in your wet ingredients i.e: egg, vanilla essence and milk.

2. Mix the contents but make sure the flour isn’t thick. The consistency you’re aiming for is runny.

 3. Heat up a pan, fry each pancake with butter/cooking oil on medium low heat. You shall need to fry each pancake for about 1min on each side or until they are brown. Use your spatula to lift them up in order to check the progress.

4. Once all the pancakes are fried, roll them up or fold them twice in order to serve.
