
In a recent episode of Real Talk, we explored in detail the challenge of blindness; the kind that life once in a while may throw at you.

We saw that it is possible to feel lost in broad daylight on your journey to destiny.

It is here that you need the wisdom to navigate when life has withdrawn its map and compass from your hands.

Wisdom is the principle thing and there is wisdom for every season in your life.

Pain and suffering is a common language among all people; it is not unique to you. But remember that moments of blindness are not designed to destroy us, but to make us.

Do not panic when life forces you to a stop. Instead take time to develop your skills, think through your emotions, analyse your relationships and recalibrate your perceptions.

Just like every car must slow down and stop at a fuel station to re-energise, pause moments are there to help you admit struggles, accept inabilities and receive fresh life’s assignments with an even deeper understanding.

Stop wrestling with known truths about your weaknesses and struggles. Denying weakness doesn’t make it a strength. No fitness is possible without exercise. No muscle is developed without lifting weights.

While walking your journey to destiny, and when you ever feel stuck in the mud, slowed down in the murk, remember the journey has not stopped just yet. A bump on the road is not the end of the road.

When you cannot see where you are headed, remember to believe in the dream that you first saw before you begun the journey.

Do not give up on your life, instead pursue your vision with fortitude and courage. It is comforting to note that every problem has an expiry date!

Ships don’t sink because of the immense volumes of water around them but because of the little water that sips through.

Self-belief is what you need, and this is different from self worship which is when one overate themselves. So have that self belief and everything will be alright.

Whatever does not add up, will definately make sense one day. Yes, the equation of your life will one day balance and the illogical spheres of it will one day congregate to make one whole.

In the meantime, know that there is God and He is holding your beginning and your end with the index finger and the thumb of one of His hands.

Wait for the fulfillment of what He planted in you, and do not be moved from your position of confidence by winds, or even stormy rains. Your seasonal blindness may avail nothing obvious to you but darkness, and reveal nothing visible but stagnation. Let that not destroy your heart.

God knows your end from the beginning and is taking care of your business behind the scenes.

The action platform of your life may seem to have no acts and no shows at the moment, but the backstage of it is a beehive of activity as life prepares to showcase the marvel, the beauty and the grandeur of who you truly are.

Disregard the wiles and screams of botched up times and season of your life and focus your gaze on the crown that is laid up for you when you win. Always trust God even when you cannot trace Him.
