Health care has come a long way. Gone are the days when illnesses were shrouded in mystery, and doctors’ orders were not to be questioned. We live in an age where patients and doctors work in a mutual partnership, with a shared goal of achieving good health.

The only way you can gainfully engage with doctors in your own health care is by having a degree of health literacy. We are not talking of detailed knowledge of your health condition, but at least some understanding of what is going on, what treatment options may be available for you and what complications may arise along the way. You can only make good decisions about your healthcare if you are well-informed about your condition.

Look up simple information about what you are suffering from. The print media is full of readily available articles about many aspects of health. And it’s written in layman’s language, free from unhelpful medical jargon. Publicly accessible libraries are another source of easy-to-comprehend medical material, some health care facilities will even allow you to browse material in their libraries. Don’t forget the now ubiquitous web sources. Googling any of your symptoms will bring up thousands of hits. Sift through and look up the easy-to-understand ones; they will make you much more informed.

You can also join web-based support groups. You’ll find support groups for any condition you might think of, however rare. Such groups tend to be run by others who may have suffered similar illnesses. The shared experiences, treatment options and even recommendations on where best to seek help come in handy. You’ll also be wiser prior to making a consultation appointment.

And your attempts at being health literate do not stop when you finally get into a consultation room. Take time to explain your symptoms so your doctor misses nothing out. And listen very keenly as your doctor explains the diagnosis and options for treatment. Every explanation must be plain and simple, no incoherent nonsensical jargon. Ask questions to ensure clarity. It is now commonplace for consultations to be complemented by written medical information detailing the relevant facts and figures. Don’t leave the consultation room without asking for an information leaflet. If leaflets are not available, you should be guided on where to seek more information.

If you find your doctor overbearing and un-engaging, seeking another opinion may improve your knowledge and give you more options. The more issues you are able to raise and bring up in a discussion, the more the likelihood of better satisfaction with your proposed care. Aim to be as health literate as possible prior to critical decision-making. This way, you will be more in control in matters of your own health.

health; health literate; doctors; healthcare