Intelligence is not inherited. It can, however, be grown into, depending on what your surroundings are and who you interact with daily. It could be your family, friends, colleagues, neighbours or even people you meet at social gatherings. When one mingles with people who are far ahead in thinking, one gets to have a mind-set that reasons before any action.

Many women often spend time with people who do not grow their intellect. Some spend time meeting the wrong people, in the wrong places for the wrong reasons. Others meet the right people in the right place but are looking for something different at the time. Others make an effort to socialise with people and get exposed to some of the things they need knowledge on – be it social, business or anything else. It is called networking.

Such women attend social networking events just because they want to be challenged at anything so they can be ahead of their game.

At a networking gathering, you will find people who work together or know each other from school, college or social networks. But what happens when you’re trying to get into a conversation with strangers? Have an idea of the kind of people you’re going to meet, the conversations expected (social/business) and dress code for the occasion.

Here is how you can meet the intelligent ones: Avoid mingling with only those you know and make an effort to have an appropriate start to a conversation. The value of getting to know new people is that you always learn something new. Who knows, the idea sharing could make for the best decision that could change your life for the better.

Usually, the friends we have may influence the way our mind-set transitions from one thought process to another.

Much as we live in a society where balance of mind in judgment is required, being able to make a decision is important. During my university days that are not so far back, I met a friend who always thought far ahead. He taught me the power there is in saving and how it could change my perception on spending.

Now I look back and pride myself in the fact that this same saving culture has spread to some of my friends. But it took an intelligent mind to grow another.

But just like intelligence is contagious, so is ignorance.

So make an intelligent move today and smile about it tomorrow. Make intelligent friends and they will inspire you.

The reverse is true — “Ignorance can be as bad as a time bomb because the moment it ticks off, the spread can be passed on to people thought to be knowledgeable.”

Twitter: @JoyDoreenBiira