A vacation provides well-deserved time off from work and an opportunity to rest and recharge. Too much time spent at work and managing multiple tasks leads to fatigue and stress, which directly affect our physical resistance and mental capacities.

There are some surprising side benefits of making a getaway, getting to boost your wellness, be more productive and maybe even get a raise.

1. Vacations can cut your risk for heart attack

Researchers have found out that taking an opportunity to de-stress and spend time with loved ones can lower the risk of heart attack by 30 percent for men and a whopping 50 percent for women.

2. Improves your mental health

A survey of almost 1400 participants in studies on breast cancer, cardiovascular disease and other conditions, conducted by the University of Pittsburgh's Mind-Body Center, found that leisure, including vacations, contributed to more positive emotions and fewer negative feelings and depression.

3. Vacation happiness is contagious

Environmental psychologists have observed that the good vibes you bring back from vacation rub off on the people around you- and what’s more, when a lot of people go on vacation at the same time, those vibes become a viral happiness pandemic.

4. Vacations boost your energy reserves

Studies have shown that vacations restock your energy stores, which makes work seem easier when you return to the office. Take a trip, come back, and hit the ground running!

5. Vacations make you happier with your entire life

The more active you are with your leisure time, and the more control you have over your free time, the more likely you are to be satisfied with your life overall.

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