There's something about standing on a cliff or a hilltop and looking back at how far you have come. We see these photographs all the time, used to inspire and motivate people about scaling heights and achieving the impossible.

Stories about triumph and progress would not make sense if there wasn't something to remind us about where we have come from. If we tried to muffle the voices of those behind us, who are calling to each other, 'press forward, march forward, don't give up' then we might as well just call off the race altogether.

Some people get to the top and get so lost in the glory of their victory that they forget and indeed despise where they have come from.

What we should be doing is taking a break from our celebrations to look below and help those who are still climbing up. Perhaps we can help to secure the rope further or even join hands in helping to pull the rope up so they can come up faster and join in the celebration.

The race isn't over. There are those who are still struggling at the start mark. There are those who fell off to the sidelines and there are those who are injured or discouraged right in the middle of the track.

Celebrate your climb but never forget where you have come from. The women behind you also deserve a spot at the top.


Christine Koech, Deputy Editor, Gender

My Word;Word from the Editor;Self Love