Boundaries only make running your relationship smoother (Shutterstock)

Boundaries are an integral part oft healthy relationships. Without them, your relationship will always crumble since you'll be at constant logger heads with your partner.

In many cases, you shall realize that, including boundaries in your relationships seems to make it run smoothly. Here's an easy way you can get to have boundaries well.

Communicate with each other often

When you want to have your boundaries in check, purpose to be open to your partner about it. Speak to them about how you feel, what you think is a no go zone for you and what is acceptable.

Being honest and open to your partner gives them an overview of how being with you will be. It makes them have certain expectations which they know that when met, you'll be happy.

Learn to also speak openly if you are the aggrieved one. When your boundaries are crossed mistakenly, with a good tone, tell your partner your feelings about it. Correcting your partner in love makes the whole difference.

Avoid assumptions about your partner’s feelings

In light of communicating, it is recommended that you learn to fully and openly learn how best to approach the boundaries issues.

Don't assume that your partner isn't experiencing certain feelings. Since neither of you can actually read each other's minds, be sure to always respect your partner enough to actually want to know whether you overstepped.

Assumptions only make the problems bigger.

 Don't assume that your partner isn't experiencing any feelings (Shutterstock)

Be accountable to follow through your words

Setting boundaries is one thing, and not executing them is another. It makes the other person think they have an excuse to continue to overstep your boundaries.

Ensure you don't make any exceptions to your own boundaries without careful consideration. If you do this, you will get to realize that you are compromising things that aren't acceptable to you.

Be responsible for your actions

If there's something that really pushes relationships to the extreme corner, it has to be doing a blame game with your partner.

Every time you tend to blame your partner for the situation or how you’re feeling, take a step back. You need to actually assess your own behaviors. Have you seen whether your own behavior contributes to situation as it is?

Since a relationship involves more than one party, blaming each other does not aid. Learn to assess yourself then approach your partner gently.

Know when it’s time to leave the relationship

Staying in a toxic relationship is you constantly choosing not to uphold your boundaries. You deserve to be respected in the same manner your partner expects.

Speak when you're overstepped upon, and leave when you feel like changes aren't being made.

Remaining in cyclic toxicity only makes relationships crumble.

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