Granted, there are medical and psychological reasons that often take a toll on a man and his manhood, but women have no love for men who happen faster than you can say “Sister Nyaatha!”

Indeed, this is the living, breathing elephant in many bedrooms across the country. The ‘one-minute man’ finds himself in a situation that implies lack of ability, control and masculine authority. Premature ejaculation can attract more than just disrespect.

There are circumstances where men perform well during ‘away matches’ but poorly in home encounters.

Steve Omollo, 39, a health worker based in Nakuru attributes it to stress: “Sometimes you have fallen out with your wife. Or when you left the house in the morning, you were not in the best of terms. Since sex is in the mind, it is impossible to adjust well to perform. But when you go out where the environment is friendly and there is no stress, you can perform well.”

He adds that, “Always communicate and resolve issues as fast as they happen, rather than carrying a grudge because that will affect many things in the house, not just sex,” he warns.

And there are circumstances where couples do not have sex at all. Omolo says this could be as a result of boredom.

“Routine is the big culprit here. Couples have to invent new ways of doing things. Failure to do so will make cheating an attractive option,” says Omolo.

Some men are said to have premature ejaculation due to  fear of looking at female genitalia, a condition known as eurotophobia.

Dr Frank Odawa of Kenyatta National Hospital notes that, “It is possible that some men fear the environment or even the person they are having sex with. This could be influenced either by religious or social background.”

marital affairs;sex