Are you in your thirties but you are eyeing a man in his twenties. …or wait, are you in your 40s and have a younger man? How easy is it?

The society has its own judgment about age and dating, but again sometimes some of us overlook that for love.

Here are a few simple steps:

-Be ready to do some work- young men look good but most of them need to be 'housebroken.' This means you will have to stop their pant sagging habits, manage their "xoxo "texting habits and teach them to sometimes to get occasionally stop using their earphones and have human conversations.

-Your body better be upto it – Young men are exuberant and energetic in all they do. They will give you a good run for your money especially in the bedroom with their acrobatic moves and enduring stamina. You must be sure that your body can handle it because bone breakages and heart attacks are a possibility with these young men. You need to hit the gym pronto if you want to keep up the cougar.

-You must have something to offer the young men. Young men today are of the hustler generation- they do not believe in pro-bono and free - they like to get their material needs sorted. So if you want to continue enjoying the affections and attentions of the young man then make sure he has the right facilities- airtime, the latest phone, a reasonable allowance and occasional opportunities to drive around in your car.

-You must be careful about public appearances- our society is still very judgmental so be ready for the glaring eyes and scrutiny that will follow. Only take your young man out if you are confident that he has been sufficiently housebroken, or when you have developed a thick enough hide for the criticism.

- You will always have competition-Even when they claim to love you; young men always go looking for girls their age. You must accept that reality and so must manage it accordingly. You can allow an occasional foray into the world of the young but make sure that at the end of the day the man knows the rules- he plays too much he loses all his benefits. Your pals could also be looking to lure your cub so always be alert.

lady speak;the siren