There are men, married men, ‘Baba Mtu’ who still wet the bed. So, next time you see your jirani airing the mattresses and other bedding don’t assume its toto’s nocturnal irrigation efforts.

In most scenarios, the woman of the house has kept it under wraps with the baby being used as the scapegoat.

A respectable hubby and teacher became the talk at an estate in Migori town when his wife packed and left, citing bed wetting as the reason unleashed most times when she denied him conjugal rights.

*James Oloo,  a teacher, would wet the bed intentionally according to his wife every time she could not allow him access to ‘goody-goody.’ She could not take it anymore. She packed her stuff and returned to her parents’ home.

“I have had enough of you behaving like a child, let me see if you will find a woman who will put up with your barbarism, odudu nie (derogatory term for a bed wetter) she fumed as she walked away much to the amusement of the neighbours who had always held the teacher in high esteem.

Oloo’s friend whispered that the teacher complained his wife was always not in the mood and he came up with the ‘tactic’ both to compel and punish.

“He told me that it was either the wife gives in to his demands or she won’t have a peaceful night,” the buddy revealed.

In Manyatta Kona Maji Estate in Kisumu, neighbours wondered whether the smelly mattress the Tuk Tuk operator’s wife aired every day was a result of their toddler.

“Nyathini biro kethoni matres, dak inape (this child will spoil your bedding, why don’t you use pampers or nappies?),” the inquisitive neighbours asked.

But the woman lied that her hubby did not want the baby to sleep in pampers since he was a male child and that would one day make him ‘weak.’

But a visiting sister in-law fed neighbours with uhondo to the effect that the man wets his bed “claiming my sister is idle and washing the beddings would give her something to do.”

The couple moved out the following day when murmurs followed the man whenever he walked the estate.

These women in Oruba and Manyatta Kona Maji estates are not alone as there are wives across Kenya who have had put up with spouses who wet the bed.

A tale is told of a serial bed wetter from Western Kenya and whose wife guarded his secret with her life until their son went for the cut and the man shared a hut with his peers. He peed his secret out at night!

Reasons for grown ups wetting their beds range from dreaming that they are walking to the toilet after a night of binge drinking to hilarious medical conditions.

Indeed, peeing in bed has broken marriages, devastated homes, severed respect, occasioned ridicule, and deflated egos. Some women have waited for their men to change but five grown kids down the road, they are still airing mattresses.

*Anette Wanja told The Nairobian how she met this dream guy on Facebook and who knew just what to say and do to make a woman feel right.

One thing led to another and “after a few coffee dates, I agreed to spend in his house. The horror of that night is still fresh” after a mind boggling romp.

The dude fell asleep and barely ten minutes later, even before she had dozed off, Wanja felt something warm, like hot tea cooling off on your skin. The dream guy was pulling a urinal in bed!

“I woke him up in shock and the shame written all over his face was enough. I slept on the couch and bolted the next day,” recalls Wanja, adding that the jamaa blocked her from his Facebook page and they gradually lost touch.

But what to do?

Well, Nanjala, a wife and mother of four sought the assistance of her area chief during a baraza where she recounted endless years washing bedding wet by her husband whenever he drank alcohol.

“My elders,” Nanjala told her shocked audience. “I know you have seen mattress in my compound being aired on the roof very often yet my children are grown. This ungrateful man urinated on the bed whenever he drinks and I have borne all that; he has now tuned abusive, does not feed us and that I cannot take,” she spat.
