Hormonal coils can last over five years (Shutterstock)

• It is a small, T-shaped contraceptive device placed in the uterus.

• Contains 52 mg of the hormone levonorgestrel and releases 20 micrograms every 24 hours in the uterus, for up to five years of protection from pregnancy.

• Is highly effective: failure rate is less than 0.2% at 1 year and cumulative failure rate is 0.7% at 5 years.

• Significantly reduces menstrual blood loss (approved treatment for women suffering of heavy menstrual bleeding).

• Is immediately effective.

• Offers rapid return to fertility after removal.

• Is more cost-effective than oral contraceptives, condoms, and injectable contraception and they can last over 5 years.

Hormonal IUS products registered in Kenya include: Mirena, and Avibela.

Source:  Ministry of Health Kenya


 Seek out a doctor when…

After insertion of an IUD, some of the effects like irregular bleeding and lighter or heavier flow should stabilise with time, but if they persist or you experience the following, it is best to see your doctor.

A fever Painful sex Unusual vaginal discharge Pregnancy symptoms