
What many may not know is the fact that chlamydia has been around for hundreds of years but, known by different names. While it may not be considered a ‘serious’ disease and can easily be treated via conventional medicine, herbal and home remedies developed over the years have proven effective.

Better still, it is gentle on the body and unlike antibiotics, they do not come with side effects.

If you do not have any of these in your kitchen they can be easily obtained in health stores or pharmacies.


Despite its pungent aroma garlic has been used medicinally for thousands of years to treat all manner of diseases. Rich in allicin, this compound is rich in antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiprotozoal properties that kill bacteria present and clear the infection.

For best results consume 1-2 raw garlic cloves per day. One can also incorporate garlic in food or take garlic capsules. However, if you suffer from diabetes garlic may cause problems with blood clotting and therefore one should consult. No more than four cloves should be consumed per day otherwise it may lead to nausea, diarrhea or vomiting.

Olive tree extract

On top of giving your immune system a boost olive tree extract either in powder, leaf form, liquid concentrate, capsule or salve contains oleuropein a powerful agent in fighting inflammation and killing bacteria.

You can rub olive tree extract directly to the affected areas or take it orally.


A natural antiseptic and rich antioxidant, turmeric fastens the healing process of affected tissues speeding up the healing process. Sprinkle this magical herb either in food or prepare a simple turmeric tea with milk, turmeric and black pepper. Consume turmeric anywhere from two or more times a day or more.


Containing berberine, the plant alkaloid found in goldenseal demonstrates significant antimicrobial activity against viruses and bacteria including chlamydia according to Alternative Medicine Review. It also stimulates the immune system to create additional white blood cells which increases the body’s defenses and fights off the bacterial infection even faster.

For effective results, it is recommended to consume up to 1000 milligrams of goldenseal herb three times a day.

To remove the bacteria from the genitals and reduce discomfort and itching associated with chlamydia one can create a douche with the herb. Do this for vaginal or rectal infections. Mix powder from one goldenseal capsule with ¼ teaspoon salt and one cup warm water. Wait for at least 10 minutes and clean yourself with the douche twice a day for seven to ten days to eliminate the bacteria completely.


Considered one of the most effective natural treatments against a myriad of infections and other STDs including gonorrhea, Echinacea is a powerful herb containing antimicrobial properties that will strengthen your immune system but it also acts as a lymph cleanser killing much more pathogens than just the chlamydia bacteria in your body.

You can choose to take it in tinctures, capsules or drink the tea. In order to enjoy all the benefits do not add sugar or other ingredients when making a delicious cup of Echinacea tea. You can either use fresh or dried Echinacea and boil. Let it steep for 30 minutes, strain and consume.

Echinacea should be taken three to four times per day for at least ten days to rid the body of the infection completely.


Eve Woman however advises that you seek medical treatment