There is more to weight gain than the amount and type of food one eats


There is more to weight gain than the amount and type of food one eats. Several other factors which contribute to unplanned weight gain could be at play. Not all weight gain is as a result of overindulgence.

Weight gain and obesity mostly occur when one consumes more food than the body requires. This results in an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure through normal body functions and physical activities. When energy intake surpasses energy expenditure, a positive energy balance is achieved and the result is an increase in weight gain.


A person's genes influence every aspect of their body make up, growth and development. These genes can influence how much fat the body stores, determine how efficiently the body converts food in to energy or how the body utilizes energy, including stored fat during physical activities.

However, genes are not your destiny; genetic factors make a very small contribution to obesity risk. These specific genes are triggered by other environmental factors like poor dietary habits and sedentary lifestyles. There are many people who are genetically pre disposed to overweight and obesity but are able to counter this through a healthy lifestyle.


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Overweight and obesity can also be a symptom of a medical condition in some people. Conditions such as Cushing syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroidism and depression can lead to excess weight gain and surplus fat accumulation. Hypothyroidism is a condition that causes a decreased production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland which is responsible for regulating metabolism, the process through which the body breaks down and utilizes food.

Reduced thyroid hormone slows down metabolism which causes weight gain. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a reproductive health problem that affects women. This condition is characterized by excess production of the hormone androgen.

Women who suffer from this condition are normally obese and have excess body hair. Cushing syndrome is a medical condition where the adrenal gland produces excess amounts of the hormone cortisol which leads to a buildup of fat in specific areas of the body like the face, upper back and the stomach.

Some particular prescription medicines such as anti depressants, steroid based, those used in treatment of chronic conditions and seizure medicine can lead to excess weight gain. Mostly it is the side effect of these drugs that cause weight gain rather than the drugs themselves. Some drugs stimulate appetite making a person eat more than necessary, others affects the metabolism by altering how the body utilizes and stores glucose and fat. Understanding the side effect of any medicine one is taking, being mindful and aware when eating coupled up with regular physical activity can help one offset any drug induced weight gain.


Emotional conditions like stress and depression can affect a person's eating and activity patterns. A lot of people can unknowingly begin to eat too much of the wrong foods and not do any physical activity after a traumatic experience. Foods high in sugar and fat have the ability to make one feel better, hence these foods are eaten more during such times. This odd feeling makes one want to eat more. These emotional conditions also increase production of the hormone cortisol which not only promotes weight gain but also affects where one puts on weight.


Obesity tends to run in families; obese parents are more likely to raise obese children. This is not solely because of genetics but due to the fact that children have a tendency to emulate their parents doing. A child whose parents don't really care much about their diet or physical activity, may grow up with the same habit while a child born in a family that observes healthy food habits and is regularly involved in physical activity has a reduced risk of obesity even when genetically predisposed.

People gain weight mostly because the calories they consume are more than what the body needs. Consistent physical activity helps use the excess calories reducing the risk of being overweight or obesity. Being physically inactive increases the risk of obesity and many other non communicable diseases. The more active a person is, the more likely they are to keep their weight within a healthy level.