It will help you spend more time with bae away from your busy schedules (Photo: Courtesy)

Getting in shape is a goal that always makes it to the list of New Year’s resolutions. And since we are still at the beginning stages of 2022, I’m sure that many of us have started hitting the gym or are  planning to start soon.

If that sums your current situation, you are on the right track.

This year, however, you should try add a new twist to your workouts by making your 'bae' your official gym partner.

That way, you will be able to achieve your health goals together, plus there are lots of other benefits you will both be getting.

So, if you’re still wondering whether or not you should share your exercise routine with them, here are some reasons why it may actually be a great idea.

It builds discipline

Getting up early in the morning to exercise or choosing to do your workout after a long day at work is sometimes even harder than the workout itself. Many of us are guilty of exercising for a few days then gradually disappear for months before being seen at the gym again.

For a motivational boost, you need someone to keep you on track. With your partner in tow, you will both be more motivated to keep pushing towards your goals.

You get quality time together

Life gets busy and often you don’t get enough time together. Everyone is preoccupied with demanding schedules and responsibilities and maybe you only get to see each other a few times a month or over the weekends which isn’t enough.

A solution that could work is combining your schedules. Working out together is a way of committing to your need to stay fit while spending quality time with each other.

 Exercising together helps you channel and release your stress the right way (Photo: Courtesy)
It motivates you to be better as individuals

The benefits of exercising together don’t just end at getting physically fit. Although the main purpose is to get healthy, you’re still challenging each other to be the best version of yourselves.

Going through the process together will help you to gain some great values like accountability which will have a positive impact in other areas of your lives.

Before you know it, you will notice that your life is slowly improving and that right there is a positive sign that your relationship is also growing and heading in the right direction.

It strengthens your emotional bond

While you’re on your own fitness journeys, you get to celebrate each other’s fitness milestones by working out together. The road to fitness isn’t an easy one and it’s better if you have someone by your side to lean on especially when you’re thinking of giving up.

You will see each other’s struggles and be there for each other throughout the whole process which will tighten the emotional bond you already have.

It will ignite the romance

Trying new things as a couple gives you a chance to create new memories. You’ve already done the dinner dates and romantic movie nights but now, you could add something new and challenging like a couple’s workout.

The best part about it is that you can mix it up by going for bike rides, hiking or even swimming. It doesn’t have to be boring and strictly done in the gym.

Explore workouts you like doing together and as a plus, you might even start enjoying a rejuvenated sex life.