Sunburns can be very painful and irritating to the skin (Photo: Huff Post)


Sunburns are painful burns that are caused by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation.  And even though dark people are less susceptible to sunburns, the sensation can still be as painful and irritating.

Everyone needs to know the right steps to take to prevent this from happening and in case it does, it is probably a good idea to know what to do then.

Here is what you need to know about both:

 No matter what you do, no matter where you go, make sunscreen your best friend (Photo: iStock)


Let sunscreen be your best friend

If there is one major skin care tip that will help you greatly is applying sunscreen. The sun can quicken ageing, cause sunburns and trigger serious skin conditions like cancer.

The most recommended type when it comes to preventing sunburns is a broad spectrum that is at least SPF 30. You need to apply around 30 minutes before stepping out and you should reapply during the day especially when you’re going swimming or spending some considerable time outdoors.

Wear protective clothing

You should also invest in clothing that can help block sun exposure. A quick accessory that you can carry with you is a hat.

When you pair protective clothing with enough sunscreen, you will have significantly reduced your risk of dealing with sunburns.

Sit in the shade

It can be tempting to directly soak up some sun for a long time but it might not be such a great idea for your skin. And it’s even worse if you directly expose yourself between 10 am and 2 pm when the UV rays are highest.

You can protect your skin by sitting in the shade when you are out at these times or avoid being outdoors during this period.

 Always moisturise your face and take cool baths when treating sunburns (Photo: iStock)


Although most sunburns go away on their own, there are steps you can take to quicken the healing process.

Apply a cold compress

A sunburn can make your skin very sensitive. There will be redness, itchiness, and swelling in the affected areas. You can do use a cold compress and let it settle on that area to ease the discomfort.

If you’re using an ice pack wrap it in a towel first before putting it on your skin.

Take cool baths

When your skin is in this state, you shouldn’t let it get into contact with hot water. So if you need to shower, you should take cool or warm baths and avoid applying harsh soaps on the area as well.

Soothe with aloe vera

Aloe is usually very cool and mild and let's not forget its healing properties. You can apply a layer of aloe vera gel or use a product with aloe vera extract to help soothe your skin.

Apply a safe moisturiser

You should avoid harsh skin care products while your skin heals. You can go for a healing cream or ointment from a pharmacy since the common moisturising products might worsen the burns.

Get proper treatment for severe burns

Severe sunburns are hard to treat with home remedies. This type of sunburn can also come with serious symptoms like fever and headaches. In this case, you need to see a professional right away.