
By Ordia Akelo

An article penned on this forum by Wesley Kipnegenoh titled 3 reasons you should give your man space has left me wondering. What do men take us for? He first thing that popped in my mind is, what exactly do they want to do during that time we give them breathing space?

He says when a lady sticks close; the relationship suddenly becomes boring and suffocating. Boring my foot! The only plausible reason why men will want ‘breathing space’ is to run around and do some hanky panky business with God knows who.

Call me insecure but today’s breed of men is not to be trusted especially when they start asking for ‘breathing space’.

You should not give your man breathing space on the pretext of you will become more interesting, or he will miss you or even more incredulous, you will have more things to talk about.

1.People who love each other cannot stand a minute of being apart

Please put a mark on the word love. If you are truly head over heels with your man, do yourself a favour and let your prescence consume every iota of his being. Let him become accustomed to only you.

Your smell, the way your hair/weave falls perfectly behind your back, the way you walk and you nibble on your fingers when you are nervous. That way he will only think of you. No other woman can take the place of a woman deeply seated upon the heart of her man. But the moment he speaks of breathing space, be very afraid.

2.You will become more interesting when you spend more time together.

If you have to have time apart in your relationship to be interesting then sorry my dear, I do not know what you are in but it is definitely not a relationship. You take a break from TV Channels and switch to another more interesting Channel, you can not flip a switch on your relationship to become more interesting.

The fact that you have to go out to gather interesting conversation is a huge indicator that your is just not meant to be. A true relationship involves getting to know each other anew each and every day. While you are together you can make interesting revelations about each other that will most definitely flap the fire of your union.

3.You will give him a window to cheat

This one is pretty much tied to the 2 nd point. In his pursuit for more exciting things and interesting things to do probably out of boredom, your sweet beau may probably stray. Breathing space opens the window of imagination that may otherwise be filled with other thoughts other than you. An idle mind that does not think of his woman will think of other women.

Relationships;Long distance;Dating