Cufflinks are an important part of a man’s fashion and have been worn for ages.

They are more of jewellery than fabric and are designed to secure the shirt’s cuff while also acting as a fashion statement.

Made from a variety of material, cufflinks come in many designs. Choosing the right cufflink is important. Different colours go with different occasions and different fabrics look different on different shirts.

Whether going for a formal event, a dinner, a business meeting or a party, these points will help you select a pair of cufflinks that will turn heads:-


A majority of cufflinks are made from metal but there are those made from fabric, especially silk. Others are made from glass, enamel, precious stones or even crystal. The material you chose is likely to affect your overall look.

A pair of cufflinks may look good on the shelf but upon wearing, their material may not give the same effects. Remember also that some materials wear out a bit faster than others.

Your shirt collection

Different cufflinks match with different shirts depending on colour, fabric or even formality. When buying a pair of cufflinks, ensure you take home one that will complement the shirts you already have.


Looking fancy loses meaning when it lasts for a short while. As you choose your cufflinks, ensure they are made to last and will not bail out on you after a few wears.


While some cufflinks are made to match a limited array of shirts, others can match almost all the shirts you own and some more. Others can fit in every occasion you’re invited to while some will look good in only one or two occasions. While making a purchase, it is always wise to go for one that saves many rainy days.


Just like other things we wear, different cufflinks are made to fit in some events and occasions. Simple silver or golden cufflinks may go well for formal events where flowery cufflinks and those made from highly conspicuous colours will do well in an informal event.


We all love different levels of complicated and this applies even to what we choose to wear. When going for design in cufflinks, consider what character or personality statement the selected pair will give you.

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Cufflinks;Trendy Man;Fashion And style