A daily routine gives you a sense of structure in your day (Photo: Shutterstock)

I realised the significant role a daily routine plays when we got into lockdown and I suddenly felt like I had no control over my life. I could no longer leave the house whenever I wanted, there was all this uncertainty over the coronavirus and life as I had known it  changed completely. It was while I was trying to settle into working from home while caring for my little one that I noticed my mental health taking a dip. I needed something to help me stay grounded, that would keep those dark moments away. That’s where a daily routine came into play.

A daily routine plays an important role when it comes to taking care of your mental health, managing change and forming healthy habits. It helps to reduce stress, ensures you get through your to-do list effortlessly and can give you a sense of structure in your day particularly during these times when one day quickly gels into the next.

If you’re looking for ideas on how to create a daily routine that will not only help you get through the present but that your future self will be thankful for, read on.

1. Have a consistent morning routine

Wake up at a fixed time every day, even on the weekends. Give yourself enough time to go through your morning routine unhurriedly even on work days. Take a shower, do your hair and make up and dress up. 

2. Meditate

 Meditation helps you become more self-aware (Photo: Shutterstock)

Take a few minutes every morning to meditate. According to Healthline, meditating is the process of training your mind to focus. It also helps to redirect your thoughts. This is a good way to learn how to practice mindfulness and gratefulness. You become more self-aware. You’re able to tune out the stressful noises of the world and get a sense of peace. To add to that, your concentration skills will improve increasing your productivity.

3. Do one self-care activity

I used to think that I had to shell out chunks of time to practice self-care. But ever since we started staying home all the time, I learned that I can practice self-care every day. This could be cooking yourself a nice meal at the end of the day, taking a long shower, doing your skincare routine, etc. Practicing self-care reminds you to look after yourself and can help you prepare for or recharge after a long day.

4. Do one chore

 Make time to do just one chore every day (Photo: Shutterstock)

When you work a 9 to 5 and have to care for your family, the last thing you’d want to do is house chores. This can result in an extremely messy house come the weekend. Instead of letting it all pile up, make time to do just one chore every day. It could be washing and keeping away the laundry, dusting, doing dishes, etc.

5. Do one thing that will bring you closer to your goals

Remember that list of goals you made at the beginning of the year? Do one small thing each day that will help you accomplish them. It could be sending out that business pitch, signing up for an online course or creating a social media page for your business.

6. Exercise

 Make time to exercse every day (Photo: Shutterstock)

Exercising has so many benefits. It helps to keep your weight in check, boosts your mental health and, if you go outside, is a good way for you to get some vitamin D. Make time in your day to take a walk or do some cardio or yoga and your future self will be very happy.

7. Have a consistent night routine

Going to bed at a specific time every day will make it easier to wake up at the same time every morning. It also helps your body have a good sleep-wake cycle and you’ll be energised during the day. A good night-time routine will help you wind down making it easier to sleep.

Would you rather see the future or change the past?