Worst behaviours on a first date

Here are the worst behaviours guaranteed to not get you a second date...

1. Forgetting their name mid date

-Extra points if you call them by your exes name.

2. Eating like a pig

3. Lateness

-Sometimes you can't help it but try and TURN UP ON TIME.

4. Counting calories at the table

-Especially if they count up your calories! Food shaming is BIG NO.

5. Chewing with your mouth open


6. Burping


7. Running out of conversation topics

-12% of us think if someone’s shy they’ll be quiet in bed, according to the survey at least

8. Only talking about yourself


9. Or worse, talking about your ex

-Your date is probably not desperate to hear about the amazing romantic skiing holiday you and Sarah went on before you split up.

10. Inviting your friends along

-It's A DATE. That doesn't mean it's ok to invite everyone you've ever met.

11. Talking about long term plans/marriage/children

-Comes across a bit...keen?

12. Choosing a bad date location

-Bad choices include restaurants frequented by small children and the cinema (you can't chat!)

13. Getting really drunk

-(Unless you're both really drunk, then fair play)

14. Being on your phone

-Actually pay attention!


-Alright maybe not a *total* dealbreaker but it's unlikely to get you a kiss at the end.

16. Checking other people out

17. Being rude to waiters/bar staff

-Rudeness is a HUGE turn off

18. Arguing over the bill       

-It's ok to split the bill sometimes. Obviously they might be politely refusing but don't get into an argument. Know when to back down