“When I grow up, I want to own a big house!”

“When I grow up, I want to build a hotel!”

“When I grow up, I will build many houses and rent them out to people!”

These words have probably not been spoken by many little girls.

Yes, little girls dream of living in houses.

No matter what they call it, ‘house’ or ‘cha mama’ or ‘kalongolongo’, it is many a little girl’s dream to clean and arrange and decorate a house. Who the house belongs to has probably never crossed their minds.

Owning and trading in real estate is an area that has been very sensitive for women in modern Africa.

It is ironical because traditionally in some African cultures, women collected the materials for a house and built the house.

In the Maa culture, for example, only the pregnant and elderly women were excused from the duty of building their homes. Women learned how to build houses from older women who taught and instructed them.

So wouldn’t it be natural for women in Africa to be at the forefront of real estate in these modern times?

We’d love to hear your take on this. Please write us an e-mail on evewoman@standardmedia.co.ke


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