(From Left) David, Kay and Stanley         Photo: Jenipher Wachie


When you hit it off with that guy or that mama, do you just turn her/him down when you find out their age? Better yet, does age matter when searching for your significant other?

David Kimiti, Artist: What? Age matters a lot, we young men need to respect older women as our own mothers. On the other hand, this woman has lived and seen it all, what's there to learn together? Dating older women is a NO for me.

 David Kimiti, Artist                                             Photo: Jenipher Wachie

Kay Jackson, Gospel Musician: It matters. Why go for older women? Life is more fun when you have someone your age. What would you discuss with an older woman? You will be out of touch and your age mates would feel that you are not part of them and will sideline you. It’s about respect.

 Kay Jackson, Gospel Musician                           Photo: Jenipher Wachie

Stanley Kariithi, Tour Guide: In the African context, age is not just a number. For years, it has been taboo for men to marry or get into a relationship with older women. In this age, because of economic challenges, young men find it easier to date older women and women on the other hand want younger men. I personally don't support this though.

 Stanley Kariithi, Tour Guide                 Photo: Jenipher Wachie

Clayton Omwanga, Humanitarian with Save the Children: Age is just but a number. If two people love each other, they need to hit it running. They are two adults. But if there is a minor involved, then there could be a problem. The other way round there should be no questions at all.

 Clayton Omwanga, Humanitarian                        Photo: Jenipher Wachie


street talk