To manifest greatness then you must clear mental obstacles (Photo: Shutterstock)

Manifesting is about creating an energy flow within yourself to attract its likeness. If you really want to manifest greatness then you must clear any mental obstacles that prevent you from believing in the process.

1. Get honest with yourself

It is important to do a self-audit to really come to grips with your low-level thoughts. Our subconscious fears and insecurities hold us back, creating a subconscious barrier between you and your goals.

2. Set your intentions

Your intentions set your reality. Be clear and concise about what your intentions are. Write them down, verbalise them and practise daily internalisation of your intentions. These can be short and long-term.

3. Stay committed

Setbacks happen; it’s life. Do not allow these to deter you; keep pushing forward with your manifestations. Visualisation is key; if you think your life sucks, you will focus only on the negative.

Love It;Intentionality