Christmas is here once again! This is that time of the year when people spend money without thinking twice! The time when you find people washing their faces in the morning with blended juice and brushing their teeth with Red wine as they sing YOLO! Few people think about what tomorrow will bring and any mention of that word to them could earn you a total blackout.

Instead of the 1kg of meat bought to feed a household for two meals, a whole goat will be slaughtered for just a single meal and no one will care where the next meal will come from.

Expensive gadgets will be bought and cars will be fueled for road trips that were never even planned in the first place. People will drink themselves silly and make merry like there’s no tomorrow. Then after all is said and done, they will act like they never knew January came after December and start whining.

This is just an example of how far we are as a country in terms of planning ahead of events. It does not hurt a single bit to start planning for your festive season early in the year to avoid spending more than you even earn in a month using a month’s salary. You would think people are auditioning for the biggest spender show.

With January comes miserable faces and attitudes coupled with brokeness that can be felt miles away. Complaints all over about how unfair life has been and yet you held the whole world in your arms just a fortnight ago.

Surprisingly, we never learn! This is because we do this every year and experience the same results yet the Christmas craze just carries our reasoning away every time. We never do things any different.

Apart from being the longest holiday season we have in a year, it is also the most dangerous season of the year. Crime cases rise during this time and our carelessness have laid a perfect environment for just that. People reap where they did not saw and blame games fly left right and centre. Sometimes we discover too late when the damage has already been done.

My fellow Kenyans, let us do things differently this time round. Make merry but have your priorities right. Think of yourself and the other road users’ safety when you hit the road drunk for a road trip. Just like December, there are bills to be paid in January and all year round.

Before you put any excess food to waste, think of the less fortunate who only see your kind of lifestyle in a dream.You are in no competition with anyone, so do not rush to do everything you’ve ever wanted to do within days. You cannot be all over the country to celebrate the same thing at the same time.

Choose one single location and have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year because like you say, you only live once!

christmas;girl code;lady speak