
Apart from adding almost instant length and fullness to your hair, weaves can also allow you to wear a hair colour without processing your own hair.

They also offer your hair a break from heat and chemicals. But will only work perfectly if you wear and care for your weave the right way. You must avoid certain things so that your weave lasts and your hair remains healthy.

Some women make me want to remind them that a weave is your friend not an enemy to be treated so badly. As I walk in the streets, I always see many horrendous weaves from multi-coloured, horribly trimmed, and worn out/stinking weaves.

A weave on your hair ought to look as natural as possible and no one should ever know that you are wearing a weave unless tracks are felt, not seen.

 Here are the no-no nos of a weave...

1. Tightly attached: The cornrow base on which your weave is to be attached should not be too tight, especially around the hairline. The extra weight of weave to a hairline struggling will lead to thinning edges and hair breakage.

2. Too much hair: Some women love their weaves full and big. It looks gorgeous, yes, but hair that is too long and/or voluminous not only looks fake, but also takes a toll on a weak hairline.

3. Not washing: The fact that your real hair is hidden beneath a weave doesn’t mean you neglect it. A weave lasts anywhere from six to eight weeks. Hair experts advise that hair should be washed at least once a week. Consider the dirt and build-up that accumulates over eight weeks if you don’t wash your hair. It’s unhealthy for your hair and your weave is also likely to smell.

4. Neglect: Whether your weave is human hair or synthetic, it still requires daily care. Always detangle your wave correctly; just like you would do to your real hair. Start at the bottom working your way upward; be patient and gentle as you detangle. Not detangling a weave regularly leads to tangles that are impossible to remove, making your weave look horrendous.

5. Too dry: The hair beneath the weave needs to be hydrated. Moisturise it every day or twice a week. Ensure the moisturiser gets to your scalp; a spritz moisturiser works best in this case.

6. Exceeding time limit: If your weave is properly put, it can last a maximum eight weeks. Within this time, it loosens from your scalp because of new hair growth. It is thus ready to be removed after eight weeks even if it still looks passable. Your scalp and hair need to breathe. Wearing weaves beyond their time leads to dry, brittle hair and eventual breakage.

7. Visible lumps: No bump should be visible on your head when you wear a weave. It is unfortunate and unsightly. Ask your hairdresser not to put the cornrows too far apart, make small cornrows and ensure the tracks are not too thin. One can get away with this if their weave is curly otherwise, avoid it. Women with thick hair should ensure their cornrows are smaller. Let your hairdresser make the cornrows flat instead of raised.

8. Wrong stylist: Picking the wrong stylist will definitely lead to weave disaster. You will always know a good ‘weave-ologist’ because clients out there speak about what he/she does. Make sure whoever you pick has photos of their actual work and not just photos from magazines.


