Someone once said there is no better investigator than a woman in love. She can track her man and his actions even two years after the said actions and come up with a correct verdict. Men easily leave their trails wherever they have been making it even easier for their women. A woman on the other hand can cover her trails and confuse her man right under his nose and the man will not have the slightest clue of whatever is taking place. No wonder men fall prey easily and women run the love world.

A little panic button can make a woman turn from a housewife to an FBI agent with a whole department (her friends). I remember one time some years back when I was still dating, I would secretly go through my man’s social media accounts and phones as though I was looking for something.

Fine, not that I wasn’t looking for something, I was actually looking for the slightest proof that his love for me had gone down, even by a little percentage. You should have seen me printing the content I had gathered there and calling him for a meeting to answer all the accusations I had. Of course some were true and some were false.

The good thing however is that unlike men, women forgive very fast and try to steer things back to normal. Men on the other hand hold onto the weakest of strings to find a reason to blame their women and make them feel as though they had resurrected a dinosaur and now every tiny being was in danger of being trampled upon. My ex one time called for a ‘baraza’ with the elders from both sides claiming I had found a new hobby, watching football.

According to him, ladies who follow football with a passion are not fit for marriage. He went ahead to claim that since I started following football, he felt like his life was in danger. As if I was going to mistake his poor head for a ball and hit it against goalposts. Seriously, how was me developing a new hobby endangering his life? When I tell you that men are poor investigators, believe me.

You do not counter me with half baked allegations that neither have a face nor a backside. Had it been a woman who had realised that her man had suddenly developed a liking for football, not only would she have cunningly escorted him to the stadium but she would have also befriended female football fanatics in the region them thus opening avenues for enlarging the ‘investigative department’.

Men should learn to scatter their eyes and ears all over the place. Depending on a pair of eyes and ears will only lead you to rush decisions. Why do you think women still forgive even when holding onto evidence? You don’t just show up in a ‘court’ with no witness and nothing to back up your allegations then make your own verdict. Unfortunately as it was, the elders in the ‘baraza’ were men and that my friend is how we ended up parting ways. I must say he lost such a Gem in me, if only he knew!

This shows how men create a mountain out of an anthill. Mark you I had forgiven him a million times for cheating on me. This one time I develop a liking for a new hobby and my relationship came to an abrupt end. Men should spare us their poor investigative skills and borrow a leaf from us. If you want to investigate me, at least ask me for tips. Only a wise man will know how to do that.
