Don't overwork your tummy

The tummy is one area that is usually less challenged because we tend use the upper and lower body more in almost everything we do that involves any physical activity like normal house chores, walking, running, climbing stairs, swimming and even cycling.

So many people have questions about losing the fat around their tummy. This week, we answer more of those queries.

Q.Is it OK to train the tummy every day?

A. Working out every day will only make your tummy muscles weaker. Just like the other body muscles, your abdominals also need to rest so that they heal and grow stronger.

Train two to three times a week using small and controlled movement but avoid doing so much lying on your back.

Overdoing exercises like sit ups and crunches for this area can put so much stress both on your abs and lower back causing them to experience wear and tear making you not get the results you want.

Use alternative exercise like Swiss ball crunch or Pilates workout for abs which are good and effective for your lower back while working your abdominal and side muscles.

If you are a newbie to some of these exercises, start small. Start with some abdominal endurance exercises like planks, Pilates 100 or even side plank and work your way up as you gain strength for more advance workout.

Q. What is the ideal diet for lean stomach?

A. Of all the above, your diet should be the primary factor. Remember, “You are what you eat”. In fact, 70 to 80 per cent of the result you get is not based on how much exercise you do but what goes into your mouth.

“Calories consumed should be less than calories expended”. You need to burn more calories than you take in. Focus on fibre rich fruit, green vegetables, protein and zero calorie drinks like water and green tea.

These low-calorie diet push and forces your body to use the accumulated fat for energy during any physical activity and in the process you lose some inches.

You can also eat nutritious food in a very reasonable amount. Avoid completely or cut down on your sugar and carbohydrate intake because too much of these can be stored as fat in the body.