
Stress and too much booze making your head hurt?

1.Assume a smarter phone position

Bad posture: Using your phone incorrectly can lead to 'text-neck-headaches

Christian says: “The average head weighs 10-12lbs and recent research has found that the poor posture we assume when texting means that the forces exerted on our neck and spine reach 60lbs – the equivalent of having an eight-year-old on your shoulders.”

This neck tension can lead to so-called cervicogenic headaches, and in some cases to a condition called Occipital Neuralgia, where the nerves that run from the base of the neck up through the scalp become inflamed.

Christian suggests: “To avoid text-neck headaches , sit back and upright when using your phone.

"Hold it up to eye level and be aware of keeping your head up in a straight line.”

2.…and breathe… (deeply)

“Most of us breathe far too shallowly,” says pilates expert Lynne Robinson, founder of

It can mean that the supply of oxygen to blood vessels in the brain is reduced, which can result in headaches.

A few moments of deep breathing improves circulation and can ward off a headache.

Lynne says: “Try sitting tall and place your hands on your ribs. As you breathe in, focus on the back and sides of your ribs expanding. Breathe out completely and feel your ribcage closing. Repeat.”

3.Let your hair down

Too tight? Is her ponytail giving her headaches

A study at London Migraine Clinic found that more than 53% of women experienced a headache from wearing a ponytail.

It’s thought that they may strain and irritate connective tissues in the scalp. Either loosen your ponytail or let your hair hang loose.

4.Relax your tongue

Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, hold it for a few seconds, then relax it so that it falls into the bottom of your mouth.

“This takes the pressure off the jaw which can cause headaches,” says osteopath Danny Williams

5.Cool it!

A study at the university of Kiel in Germany found that peppermint oil applied to the forehead helped to numb the pain of a headache.

Simply smooth over your forehead every 30 minutes.

6.Press here

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence recommends acupuncture for tension headaches.

Try some of the techniques using acupressure – applying finger pressure to certain points in the body.

For a sinus headache, apply pressure with your fingers to the points at either side of the crook of your nose at the tips of your eyebrows, suggests Dr Justine Hankin,

Headaches;healthy;healthy living