Every sport event has a muse, and the 2018 World Cup had our favorite president, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic as the muse. The Croatian president attended almost every match her country played, supported and celebrated with all the team after every match.

The Croatian president stole hearts in Russia during the World Cup’s last weeks. She came across as a very attractive woman who openly showcased her love and respect for her country.

But that’s not all, there are many other reasons why Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic is an absolute president goal, discover why:

She refused to take any payment for the days she was in Russia to support the national team. She also flew economy class where she sat with the rest of the citizens.  She paid the flight with her money. She was the most supportive president in the 2018 World Cup.  Kolinda went into the Croatian changing room before the quarter finals and semifinal matches, just to motivate the team, interestingly, they won both matches. Even after their loss to France in the final match, she looked very grateful and hugging every Croatian team player.   She gives gifts to every president she meets, even the most powerful ones. Usually these presents are customized jerseys of the Croatian football team, like the ones she gave to Putin during World Cup and Trump during the NATO Summit. She has created a fashion trend by proudly wearing the Croatian colors (red and white) in her outfits, not only in sports events. She is 50 years old but she is known as the hottest president in the world. She has admitted that people often confuse her to be the American model, Coco Austin, Ice-T’s wife. She is kind with the citizens. During a particular prize-giving ceremony, she helped out a man whose trousers feel down just as he was receiving an important award from her. She accepts mistakes whenever she is on the wrong and that’s why her apology was accepted when her husband was found using the official government car for private use.   If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you want to have with you?