Parents told all of us a white lies     PHoto:Courtesy

When you look back on your childhood, do you ever get the feeling you've been lied to?

Our parents lied to us, but we forgive them

Our parents lied to us all, didn't they? They lied to us to make us behave better, they told us little white lies to make us go to bed on time, they even lied to us to get us to eat our dinner.

But it's fine, we can look back on it fondly now.

Here's a few lies we ALL got told ...

The Zoo Lie

"I tell my daughter she was a monkey that we bought from Zoo, shaved and taught to be a real girl. That's why she likes climbing and bananas. When she's naughty I say I'll take her back to live with the other monkeys."

Living with monkeys would be quite a lot of fun though.

The Swear Word Lie

"My mum told me boring was a swear word so I didn't annoy her by saying 'THAT'S BORING' whenever I was bored.

"She also told me the Thunderbirds lived in the middle of Old Street Roundabout."

Do you remember the first time you got told off for saying a real swear word?

The "The Man" Lie

"If I ever messed about in public my mum would say "here's the man now..." or "the man is coming to tell you off."

"He was everywhere... on the train, in pubs and restaurants, at the cinema, even on holiday."

Why were we always so scared of 'the man' even though he never actually told us off?

The Snot Lie

"My Nan told me that every time I sniffed the snot went into 'holes in my face' and eventually my face would be full up of snot and wouldn't move. I didn't stop sniffing I just worried about my face going stiff."

Sniffing is annoying, to be fair, but this lie is a little harsh... not as bad as the next one though.

The '...well that's just a little bit harsh' Lie

"My parents saved cash by not buying me any birthday or Christmas presents when I was young. Instead, they just wrapped my existing toys up in wrapping paper and presented them to me.

"It took me until the age of four to realise the toys looked familiar, then they had to start buying me actual stuff."

Well that's just a bit harsh.

The Haircut Lie

"My mum told me that if I didn't sit still at the hairdresser, they would almost definitely cut my ear off by accident."

You've never sat so still in all your life.

The Lie About Lies

"I made my toddler son believe that when he lies his tongue turns purple. Whenever I wanted to see if he was lying I said 'show me your tongue '. If he gladly showed it then I knew he wasn't lying. If he didn't show it then I knew he was lying. It worked until about age 9."

Lies like this are sometimes known as the "Pinocchio Lie".

The Bubble Gum Lie

"Mine was the age old bubble gum horror story - I was never allowed it because if I swallowed it, it'd wrap around my insides and kill me. Still not convinced this is untrue...

"My parents told me if I swallowed cherry pits, a cherry tree would grow inside me..."