Constantly looking at your reflection can make you slightly obsessed with your pimples (Photo: Shutterstock)

Popping pimples is a habit that many struggle with. Let's face it, the truth is, seeing a pimple on your face makes you feel bad. Pimples aren't admirable. They tend to stick up beneath your makeup, they scream for attention and they are just not a good site to look at. 

How do you stay away from the urge to pop them? Actually, pimples can clear and dry up by themselves or by use of an acne treatment. Some serums in the market help with this. When you pop your pimples in an effort to get rid of them, they’ll tend to leave scars and can result in even more breakouts.

Here are practical ways to stop popping them up. 

Distract yourself 

You'll realize that you are more likely to pop the pimples when you are bored. When you are engaged in other activities aside from staring at your reflection as you assess your blemishes, you won't be tempted to pop them. Be sure to get aware when you're bored, so that you stop subconsciously popping your pimples. You can play some music, or get active so that your mind moves away from the urge. 

 Keeping short nails will make it harder to pick at your pimples (Photo: Shutterstock)

Use some breathable tape

Using some micropore tapes will go a long way in keeping your fingers from popping up your pimples. Since they are breathable, your skin is still breathing well and you won't experience any itching. When you are removing this tape, which should be when you're probably done with your day's errands, remove it gently. Pulling apart the whole tape roughly will hurt you and the pimples will be pricked. 

Avoid reflective surfaces

Constantly looking at your reflection can make you slightly obsessed with your pimples, leading you to want to get rid of them. To resist the urge to pop your pimples, stay away from mirrors and other reflective surfaces. You'll realize that the more you stare at yourself, the more likely you are to fall into the temptation to pick at your pimples. Be confident and walk without constantly referring to a reflection for a second opinion. 

 Lifestyle changes like managing stress can reduce the number of breakouts (Photo: Shutterstock)

Keep short nails

The longer your nails, the more likely you are to play popping up. This is because you're more likely to clip your nails together and burst up a pimple as it's easier. Aim to keep your nails short. This way, even when you have pimples all over, you won't have the 'tools' to pop them. 

Learn to manage your stress 

Your stress levels show through your skin too. When you're more stressed and indulge in a lot of sugary foods for comfort, you're likely to have breakouts. Therefore to avoid breakouts and the urge to pop pimples, change your lifestyle so that they don’t appear in the first place. Look for ways to reduce stress, eat healthy foods, exercise, get enough sleep and drink more water.

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