Before you step out, how you look is as important as how you smell so never compromise on that. It comes as a package.

If you didn’t know, your scent usually says a lot about your personality. Depending on the ingredients, scents can make you and the people around you feel a certain type. As if this isn’t enough, people will tend to remember you or judge you a certain way thanks to how good or bad you smell.

Whether you like your scents muted, fruity, musky or strong, it should be a reflection of something either in your personality, likes or functionality.

Here are some tips you should keep in mind when hunting for a new signature scent.

1.Trial and error

This is definitely one of the best ways to find a scent to settle on. You need to explore different perfumes in order to find your signature scent. Be as open minded as possible to test the different ranges you have never tried before. This way, you are able to find out which ones perfectly suit you and which ones don’t.

2. Keep track of the ones you like

This is a great way to guide you when trying out new scents. If you like a certain perfume range and would like to find one that complements it, write it down somewhere as you hunt for a new one. It is also essential to take note of the new ones you might consider as you continue perfume hunting. The numbers of perfume brands that exist are too many to recall. If you like oil-based ones more than the aqueous ones for example, take note of all the brands that offer them so that you zero in on what you are looking for faster.

3. Versatility

If you are searching for that one special scent for you, consider one that can be used for different occasions and one that is less affected by weather conditions. One of the most popular signature perfumes is the Chanel no5 that has stood the test of time. It is a signature scent for many women since it was formulated. The only downside of a popular brand is that you might end up having the same scent as many others. Consider looking into different luxury brands for your next signature scent because they last longer and provide the perfect balance for different occasions and temperature conditions.

4. Consult a perfumer

Consulting a professional is one of the easiest ways of finding your signature scent. Since they are experts in this area, they are more knowledgeable on the different types of perfumes that exist. You will   learn about how different perfumes react to temperature changes, which ones complement your natural scent and even reasons why some are more expensive than others. You will be able to save time and zero in on your new signature scent from different perspectives. You can find perfumers online or at your local perfume shops in malls.

5. Have fun with it

As you hunt for a new scent, don’t feel too pressured. This should be a fun process that may require your patience. There are hundreds of brands and so many types to pick from so it’s virtually impossible to sample all of them. You are also allowed to have more than one signature scent. Don’t feel limited to having just one scent for the rest of your life. With time you can also change your scent and try out new brands that will come up in future.