A night out on the town with your favorite girlfriends is one of life's little luxuries. It is all about getting dolled up, looking fabulous and having a great time.

Wearing the right makeup for the occasion will work wonders for your entire look. The following tips should to help you get there.

Red lips Many women live in fear of red lipstick, thinking that they cannot handle such a bold color. Truth is anyone can pull off red lips. If you have never gone red, start off with a sheer red lip color and gradually move on to a matte lipstick.

Smoky eyes If you're looking for a dramatic, high-impact look that screams "evening," a smoky eye is the way to go. Creating a smoky eye is simpler than it sounds. Like all things, practice makes perfect. My advice, stick with a more neutral palette to avoid color overload.

Try false lashes The idea of fake eyelashes 'falsies' might be a little intimidating, even for regular make up wearers. All you need is a few individual lashes on the upper outside corners of your eyes to make them pop. Once you have mastered the art, I can bet good money that falsies will become a regular part of your night out make up routine

Rein it in Resist the temptation to go bold on every part of your face; unless off course it is October 31. On any other day, pick one feature for dramatic treatment and leave the rest as neutral as possible. If you want dark eyes, pick a sheer gloss for your lips. If you are dying to wear that fuchsia lipstick, go easy on the eyeliner and mascara.

Have a great night out and don't forget to take lots of selfies for Facebook and Instagram.

Ruth 'Ruthie' Kinuthia is a make-up professional and founder of Makeup by Ruthie.