
We all have those days when our skin refuses to ‘behave’ and no matter how hard you try, the glow remains elusive. The skin is susceptible to many external factors like the sun, diet and stress so it takes extra effort to feel and have that silky, clear face everyone notices and talks about. 

The skin needs relief, time to regenerate and even slow down effects of ageing. Here is a solution: turn your home into a spa and pamper yourself with an egg mask to keep your skin looking its best.

Yes — an egg mask. The thought of slapping egg on your face may seem unsavoury, but the results are definitely worth it.

A 2006 study conducted by doctors at Agrocampus Rennes Science and Technology of Milk and Eggs Research Unit in France found as many as 69 different major proteins in chicken egg whites.

“The protein in egg is good for firming up your skin. Whether you have oily, dry, or sensitive skin, there’s an egg mask for you. I’m not a great fan of raw eggs, but my outlook changed when I put it on my face!” reveals Eve beauty columnist Naomi Mruttu, adding that egg is great for deep cleansing.

Mruttu is a firm believer that one does not need to break the bank on cosmetics to look good. “Nearly everything you need for your beauty routine is readily available in your kitchen,” she says.

In the name of rediscovering the power of natural ingredients, I set out to try egg on my face. I applied two egg masks weekly, over a period of three months. Not only is it kinder to the wallet, it has also been an eye-opener to the simplicity of natural skin care. This does not mean you have to go full-out au naturelle, there may be some cosmetic products that you simply cannot do without. Dermatologists recommend the face mask as a good compliment to an existing skincare regimen.

Egg white

The skin tends to get fatigued and loses its elasticity with time. I was advised to try egg white for its skin tightening and toning properties. Dermatologists have suggested that the protein found in egg whites could help tighten the skin to reduce wrinkles.

Some home remedies also use egg whites to fight acne. Mruttu notes that a mask can be made with egg white alone, or mixed with other powerful ingredients to provide more nourishing benefits to your skin. Here are two simple egg white face masks, made with ingredients from your kitchen or nearby: