
1. Choose the right colour: Lipsticks, like our skin, have undertones. Therefore if you have a warm undertone, choose colours with a warm undertone. A shade that is too pale will make you look sickly, while a shade that it too dark may give you a “trashy” appearance.

Go for brights, to ensure you bring out the best in your appearance. You cannot go wrong with this season’s shades of fuschia, plum, and funky neon shades like orange, blue and purple.

2. Prep your lips: Matte lipstick tends to emphasise all your flaws, therefore it’s important to get rid of any dead skin. Exfoliate your lips using an edible scrub such as sugar with olive oil, or brush your lips with a spare toothbrush after loading them with petroleum jelly. Rub gently for about a minute and then rinse and pat dry.

3. Moisturise: Hydrated lips will make the lipstick more comfortable to wear as the application will be smoother. Drink plenty of water and use a moisturising lip balm as needed. Remember to use lip balm more often than lip gloss as the latter can also be drying. If you have a daughter, get her used to the idea of moisturising her lips regularly with a mini tube of petroleum jelly or a tiny pot or tube of lip balm.

4. Line your lips: Using a lip liner prevents the colour from bleeding, helping you get a neat and beautiful result. Find a lip liner that is the same shade as your lipstick or slightly darker. Line your moisturised lips and then fill them in completely. This will bring out the richness of the colour and help it last longer.

5. Apply colour: Use a lip brush to apply colour and cover every corner of your lips. Blot your lips with a tissue and then apply another coat. This gives your lipstick lasting power. For that professional look, clean around your lips using a cotton bud. Remember to check your teeth, and carry your lipstick with you for touch-ups.

Press your lips together and apply powder to the edges to prevent bleeding. I also like to finish with various setting products that don’t add gloss but provide increased staying power for your lipstick.

Don’t shy away from moisturising your lips with a non-greasy lip balm during the day as needed. If you use matte lipstick regularly, use a hydrating lip balm every night before you sleep. There are also special lip masks that you can buy to help condition your lips.

Beauty;How to put lipstick on;Make up