In the baby's first months, they get all their nutrients from breast milk (Photo: Shutterstock)

Low milk supply is one of the most common issues new moms face but lucky for us we have formula which has similar nutrients to breast milk. 

But is that what you really want to give your newborn? I guess that’s a question for another day.

Either way breastfeeding is very important for a child’s growth and development. For the parents who don’t want to introduce their newborns to formula until they are a couple of months old, we know how stressful this can be. 

Low breast milk supply can be quite stressful and we end up trying every remedy we can find on the internet about increasing our milk supply. 

But let’s get one thing off our chest first. Mums who are experiencing this issue should visit a physician who will be able to address the issue and advise on the best way forward.

This is crucial because in the baby’s first months he or she is only able to feed and get all their nutrients from breast milk so you have to ensure that they get the amounts needed for their growth and development. 

Low milk supply is one of the reasons why most mums are detained in the hospital after childbirth in order to ensure that they are able to feed their baby and not starve them.

Should you be suspecting something is off here are some reasons you could be having low milk supply. 

Lack of balanced diet and not eating enough 

Having a balanced diet is the best way to increase your milk supply. Make sure your meals contain all the required nutrients for a balanced diet. Milk is produced by what we absorb after eating so this means if you are not eating well or don’t have a balanced diet your milk supply will definitely be low.


During this period, you need to make sure you are hydrated. You can add flax seeds to your water as they are well known for boosting milk supply. Make sure you drink eight glasses of water as recommended, freshly squeezed fruit juices and other healthy beverages to ensure that your body has enough fluids to produce milk for your baby.

 Consult your doctor to find out the reason for low milk supply (Photo: Shutterstock)

Insufficient glandular tissue

This is caused by breast tissue not developing naturally. The milk ducts thus fail to not produce enough milk. Milk ducts grow during pregnancy and breastfeeding increases the growth of the milk duct to produce more milk. 

Using hormonal birth control

Make sure to consult your doctor before settling on a contraceptive. If possible, avoid any hormonal birth controls as they may affect milk production. If you must, you can opt for low hormone birth control or use copper IUD device which contains no hormones. Some hormonal birth controls can cause hormonal imbalance thus affecting milk supply.

Lack of adequate rest

Your body is basically working like a machine that produces milk. This means that if you get exhausted or fatigued your milk supply also reduces. Make sure to take naps in order to keep your body well rested. Ask for help from your loved ones in order to ensure that you are not too worn out from balancing caring for your newborn and running your household. I know having a baby is not easy but you can take naps when they are asleep in order to rest.

Low thyroid levels

A low performing thyroid can be the reason you have low milk supply. I know you are probably wondering how you would know that your thyroid is the reason for low milk supply and this is why you should get tested by your doctor who will be able to give a proper diagnosis.