
It is a new era of dotcom, a changed lifestyle and a no-time-for people to waste courting and dating without the use of technology as it happened in the past.

Smartphones, computers, tablets, name them all; have encompassed us until they are slowly but sure becoming a priority in our lives fitting to be a fourth basic need. We spend more time trying to break the bridges of distance through our available applications in our smart technology; Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter among others.

We have created online platforms for sharing knowledge, fun and more so date. For instance, a number have become worshippers to online dating due to the following reasons.


Some individuals are naturally affected by fearfulness that hinders them from facing some situations for instance a guy gathering all his courage to face a lady asking her if she can allow them to date or rather have an evening meal together in a restaurant.

This will result to some with such a weakness to take for online dating where in some cases they do not need to talk to the individuals face to face. This has worked to some people though not a 100% because when it comes to meeting for the hook ups they may still experience the shyness.

2.Risk takers

A number of times in life we tend to take risks to see if things will work out the positive way we would like them to be.  Every so often we take chances to learn on how some things work. An individual will either fail or succeed in accordance to the risk he or she has set the mind and efforts.

As much as most may not believe that online dating works, some will try it out just to ensure it is not really what many will conclude it to be. Social media is well known for its importance of making the world be a small village to people in that it can connect people wherever whenever.

This in turn can make people want to try out relations online with a high probability that it will turn out to be a love affair that might result to marriage.

3.Adoption of Western cultures

It is well believed that Africans have their unique ways of courting and dating. But due to the fact that we have metamorphosised to an era where Africans have embraced the use of digital technology in communication, a number of individuals have ended up copying and pasting what the Western people do. Online dating never started from Africa but in the Western Countries.

This means that a number of Africans for instance will do what other western countries do so as not to look so left behind.


Time is money. It is valuable in that people never want to waste so much time to persuade a woman as it used to be in the past.

Technology have made people so busy maybe doing nothing while some will be busy working late night just to bag more income to counter the expensive lifestyles they live. This limits them from having more time for going out to clubs and walks to spot that woman A or Man B.

This categorizes these kinds of people as having less time to move around going after individuals who have evoked their love feelings which might consume a lot of time.

5.Social stratification- division of classes

In every society we have division of classes. This can be in terms of the poor and the rich, the employed and the unemployed, the literate or the illiterate.

The rich can access expensive materials that can rate them as ‘up to date individuals’ compared to the poor. They can access the online presence hence able to easily get involved in the online dating category.

Truth to say, less fortunate people will not spend most time online dating or searching for spouses since most of their time is e spent on working hard to sustain their families, perhaps in the farms and houses of the rich who have all time on earth to waste going through their gadgets.

6.Rejection from basic way of dating

It is true that a number of individuals have been rejected in a number of cases through the basic way of dating-where you meet a gentleman or lady at a wedding, in church among other physical places. Continuous rejection might compel them to decide on online dating.

For them, it is far much better to be rejected online than face to face. Seriously, it is embarrassing and diminishing. It is more comfortable to be rejected by someone whom you have not met and never easy to come across in the streets of your nearest town than that you can run into at any time.

7.Uncontrolled emotions

In a number of occasions, you will find out that these individuals are guided by uncontrolled emotions that only evoked with what they see, read and maybe fantasize.

This can apply in a case where a gentleman has been thrilled by the beauty of a woman; she has a pretty smile, sizeable boobs, booty, curvaceous worth leaving the guy drooling and fantasizing. This will compel him to hit her inbox just to try his luck.


lnternet charges have become cheap. Many young youths are having an access to smarphones and other digital communicating devices.

Due to lack of job opportunities, most will spend their time online going through what has been shared by the public. Too much idleness might make them to try out online dating either just to pass time or just to share uncensored materials such as ponographic videos.

All these has made a number of individuals a virtual kind of relationship that may never actualize though to some extent some relationships that have ended up to marriage have existed through online dating.