Could money make you selfish?

Some researchers believe richer people are more likely to be selfish and less likely to help others. So where do you fit in?

The winners of a rigged Monopoly game also grabbed more snacks

If your friends are stuffed with cash and you’re down to your last tenner, it’s easy to feel like you’re doing something wrong.

But in fact, studies suggest you may have the moral high ground.

Research by Paul Piff, a professor at the University of California, has found that richer people are more likely to think about themselves before others.

In this TED talk, he said: “As people’s levels of wealth increase their feelings of compassion and empathy go down.”

In one study, students played a rigged Monopoly game. Although the players quickly worked out that it was unfair, the advantaged player increasingly lorded it over his competitor - and even ate more snacks.

Broke but generous

Here's a tip - be mean

If you’re hard up, you’re more likely to rely on friends and family. Piff believes this means these social ties are more important to you than a rich person and you’re more in tune with other people’s needs as well.

You may not find this comforting if the cupboard's bare. But Piff told us there are "many compelling reasons" being generous may pay you back in the long run.

He said: "It increases well-being, builds social relationships, builds trust and stronger communities, improves health, and, in the long run, may enhance the meaning and purpose of your life."

On the other hand, if you want to get rich quick, you might want to put yourself first. But do you have what it takes? Try our quiz:

Are you mean enough to be really rich?

Is it OK to use office supplies for personal purposes?

1. Of course - they don't pay me enough

2. No - if it's not for work, it's stealing
