Your esteem can be boosted by your own self regard (Shutterstock)

Do you struggle with feelings of not being good enough? Everywhere you go, you tend to see everyone else as better than you? More like there is nothing of value you can contribute around you. Lacking confidence in yourself is a huge self-esteem issue. It can make you get passed by opportunities, or fail to make that important connection with someone. Loving yourself is the primary solution to this.

Confident in your abilities

How do you achieve anything if you lack even a mustard seed’s size of faith? You may as well be expecting things to magically fall into place. Unfortunately, life’s reality demands we work towards our goals and leave very little room to chance. Making self-love a priority ensures that you start valuing your worth. You speak positively to yourself and decide to follow your passions. All this needs a high sense of confidence. You need to cheer yourself in your own life’s game. Don’t expect other people to think highly of you if you do not.

Interacting with others becomes easier

You may have had those moments where you only want to lock yourself up and be alone. Feelings of worthlessness will drain you to the pit of isolation and loneliness. This ultimately limits your chances and ability to get out and meet new people. If you are keen on improving your life, sticking in your locked box is not the solution but throwing the box away and being open to other people and ideas. When you love yourself, you will appreciate your strengths and weaknesses. This ensures that you are unafraid of meeting other people. After all, we are all human and nobody is perfect, so get out there!

You attract people                    

One of the challenges that come with a low self esteem is thinking no one around you values your opinions and ideas. This cannot be further from the truth. You are unique and amazing in your own right. If you embrace loving yourself, you constantly cheer yourself through affirmation of how amazing, talented you are. In turn, you believe in what you say when speaking to yourself. The positive energy transmits from you to those around you causing a magnetic pull effect. People are attracted to confident people who can express themselves, and even represent them.

 You need to cheer yourself in your life’s game, don't wait or expect others to cheer you (Shutterstock)

You are not dragged behind by previous mistakes

So many of us do not act upon the opportunities we have because we have not gotten over our pasts. Whereas being shy after a first bite is okay, it should not hold you back from living a thriving life. When you practice self love, you learn to forgive yourself and let go of the ghosts of the past. Letting go empowers you into being ready to believe in yourself again instead of drowning in self-doubt. With a renewed self esteem, tomorrows are seen as great opportunities to turn life around and to try new things.

Having a positive attitude

With a low self esteem comes a cloud of negativity. You do not see yourself in a positive light and want to pull everyone else with you. Once you fall in love with who you are, you only entertain positive vibes.

You can keep a gratitude journal where you write down the things you are thankful for on a daily basis. In case you feel down and want to start thinking low of yourself, perusing this book will help you regain perspective and appreciate who you are.

When you nurture your body, you control your appearance

Gone are the days when you could cry yourself to sleep because you dislike your body image. By embracing self love, you can visit a gym or nutritionist and get a personalized diet and work-out plan. Sooner rather than later, you will end up with the body of your dreams. If you want a great skin, going to the spa and sauna is a way to give you a glow for days. Prioritizing your sleep and rest hours will ensure your body is at its best. In this way, no body shaming trial can pull you down.


Your esteem can be boosted by your own self regard. Have a routine where you prioritize loving yourself and see how you bloom.

What are you currently worrying about?

Self Love;Self Esteem;Self Care