Imagine a moment when you had little to worry about except whether you’re going to have carrots with your dinner or not. Or how long your visiting colleagues can keep the conversation off work.

I’m not sure how the World Happiness Report works but I know Denmark was ranked No 1 on the list for four years in a row. Over the years, one thing has stood out about the Danes is that they know how to unwind after a long week.

Meeting friends. Not inside a cramped restaurant but on chairs arranged on the sidewalk. Talking. Not on the phone but side by side surrounded by good food and good music. Eating, not to fill your stomach but so you can taste the flavours and talk about them. Reading a book. Not inside. Outside in the sunny breeze. Sleeping, not because exhaustion won’t let you stay awake but because tranquility allows you to drift off to sleep.

Sometimes, taking time to relax is not about stopping what you normally do so you can rest. Relaxation comes from doing the things you love in the way that you love them. And if you do this over and over and keep finding more things to do this way, you will eventually realise that you are actually quite happy.

Start with one thing that makes you happy. And then do it again tomorrow.

Is it OK for a newlywed couple to sell wedding gifts that they can’t use or that are duplicated?